Design your best process…

Process Model Canvas

Working together for the best process

The Process Model Canvas is a format and working method for uncovering the essence of your business processes. It is the logical next step after the Business Model Canvas (BMC) and answers the question ‘Which processes are needed to fulfil the strategic goals, and how do these processes fit together in the chain?’

Process Model Canvas works according to three simple steps: Why, What and Wow!  It is an accessible approach that everyone understands and avoids the technical aspects so that management and MT members from any discipline can participate in the design session. The work format creates a strong connection between the different disciplines that are needed together to make the process chain and process successful.

Want to learn more about using the Process Model Canvas? We wrote a blog on how to smartly design processes together using the PMC. You can also download a free template there!

To hold an effective PMC session, we have developed the handy PMC Kit: a set of A0 posters and special post-its that you can use immediately. You can order it here »

Training PMC Workshop

We would like to teach you how you can really apply a PMC session in your organization. We do this using a number of practical cases from your practice, together with your team. You will get a good picture of the how and the why and you will make a flying start with the design of your first process.

The training ‘Process Model Canvas workshop’ provides an introduction to the model and its application in four phases: assessment, innovation, validation and implementation. With this approach, business models come to life.

For whom

This workshop is meant for entrepreneurs, managers, professionals and consultants who want to create involvement in the design of business processes. And for those who want to successfully apply this working method for process inventory.


The most important result is the outcome of the exercise itself, based on your own case. This means: a concrete, detailed process description based on the Process Model Canvas. From now on, you can use the thinking and the tool in a team to design and set up a lean process with support.


  • 1/2 day

Preparation and knowledge

  • No preparation needed

Impression of a PMC workshop

The special practical approach with the PMC method is best shown in a workshop. Watch the trailer below.